

Dave's J.S. Bach Page was originally posted as a section of my home page on September 11, 1996. I had some original MIDI files and images that I wanted to make available to the public. Things have certainly come a long way since then. Three months after posting my original site, I obtained a full web hosting package under my own 'unpronounceable' domain. At that time, many of the sections of my home page were expanded into stand-alone sites with new graphics and expanded content. Over the past seven months since the move, I have created and/or completed many more Bach MIDI files all of which I have made available to the public at this site. All of these sequences were created with Cakewalk Pro Audio and are copyrighted ©1997. However, they are freely distributable and modifyable for any non-commercial purpose as long as proper credit is given and the textual information in the files remains intact. There are also many MIDI files by other authors. In most cases, these MIDI files were submitted to me and are unique to this site. Those authors retain the copyrights to their sequences and you must ask their permission to use their sequences for anything other than personal uses. Some of the images here are also copyrighted. These include any raytraced, original, or manipulated images. All other images were scanned from various sources. The images available at this site can be used for personal viewing, study, and non-commercial uses.
Many new sections have been added to this site in the recent months. The research and effort I have put into this site has been a labor of love. I have learned much about Bach and his music in that time. Hopefully, the reader will be able to get as much out of this site as I have put into it. The recommended recordings are generally of works that I am quite familiar with from various performers and my recommendation is based on my evaluation of several recordings. However, some recordings may be the only versions I own or have even heard. In most cases this is because I have been quite happy with those recordings and have not felt the need to try and improve on them.
This site will no doubt be undergoing improvement over the months and hopefully, years. Many of the improvements have been as a direct result of this site's sponsorship by The J.S. Bach Experience. Their contributions help pay for this site and have made its expansion possible. Please support their band and this site by buying their CD. This site is currently about 12 megabytes in size. There should be plenty of material here to warrant return visits.
David J. Grossman ( Dave )


