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Canons and Late Contrapuntal Works
14 Canons on the First Eight Notes of Goldberg Ground

  BWV 1087  ·  14 Canons on the First Eight Notes of Goldberg Ground  
also see Keyboard Works - The Goldberg Variations
For more information about these works, please visit Tim Smith's site:
Analysis of the Canons and Fugues of J.S. Bach

1.   soggetto with its retrograde
2.   inverted soggetto with its retrograde
3.   soggetto with its inversion
4.   inverted soggetto with its inversion
5.   Canon Duplex a 4
6.   Canon simplex uber besagtes Fundament a 3
7.   Idem a 3
8.   Canon simplex a 3 il soggetto in Alto
9.   Canon in unisono post semifusam a 3
10.   Alio modo per syncopationes et per ligaturas a 2
11.   Canon duplex ubers Fundament a 5
an earlier version of _BWV 1077
12.   Canon duplex uber Fundamental - Noten a 5
13.   Triplex canon
an earlier version of _BWV 1076 / included in the famous Haussmann portrait
14.   Canon a 4 per Augmentationem et Diminutionem

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