![]() http://www.tononirecords.com/ Tononi Records is an independent Record Company which was formed in 2000. The first CD to be published is a 2CD album of J.S.Bach's Sonatas & Partias (sic, you will see why we have used Partia rather than Partita, if you visit the site) for solo violin played by Benedict Cruft. Cruft has been specialising in performing these six masterpieces as a set, over a pair of recitals since 1987 and recorded them in a six day period in the Autumn (fall) of 1998 in the glorious acoustics of the early Norman Binham Priory in Norfolk. Commercial Events Instruments Performers Recordings Works |
![]() http://Ernesto.Tamayo.com/ "It is always a joy to hear familiar Bach works transcribed for guitar. These works for violin and flute are familiar to all of us. But Ernesto gives us much more, he puts a lot of himself into his interpretation. He is both technically skilled and exceptionally expressive." - Jan Hanford - the J.S. Bach Home Page Audio Commercial Events Instruments Performers Personal Recordings Works |
![]() http://www.welltempered.com 'Classical Music Online is the premiere online resource dedicated exclusively to classical music.' Also the home of Club Lara! Audio Commercial Events Images Links Performers Recordings Works |
![]() http://homepage.interaccess.com/~banjo/banjo.html 'Michael J. Miles was voted by Banjo Newsletter Readers as one of the "top ten clawhammer banjo players in America." ... His new recording American BACH, featuring Miles transcriptions for banjo of JS Bach's cello suites and his own composition, Suite for the Americas, was released in September, 1997.' Commercial Educational Events Instruments Performers Personal Recordings Scores Works |
![]() http://www.jsbach.net 'Throughout the years, we've seen our share of jazz and synthesized tributes to Johann Sebastian, but who will finally walk into the spotlight to release the tension that has been building for the 'Rock' Bach audience?? Ladies and Gentlemen, the waiting period is over. May I present to you: THE J.S. BACH EXPERIENCE Supercharged with four of L.A.'s most incredible shred-meisters, the J.S.Bach Experience offers a respectful, in-depth tribute to one of history's greatest musical figures.' Audio Commercial Events Performers Recordings |
The J.S. Bach Home Page http://www.jsbach.org 'The complete Johann Sebastian Bach. An extensive biography, tour of Bach's life in Germany, catalog of his works, bibliography, recommended recordings, and other Bach resources on the web. This award-winning site is maintained by Jan Hanford in North Amercia and Jan Koster in Europe.' Bibliography Biography Events Images Links Recordings The Theme Fugue Contest - a Tribute to J.S. Bach http://users.castel.nl/~schic02/fuguecontest.htm Do you like to write music? Here is the big challenge for you! Your job is it to write a fugue on this theme: ![]() The idea is to let as many people as possible write a fugue on this theme in any way they like! In this way we want to establish a tribute to J.S. Bach and his marvellous "Die Kunst der Fuge". Analysis Educational Events Performers Personal Recordings Works Simon Crouch's Home Page http://freespace.virginnet.co.uk/simon.crouch/FrontDoor.htm This is Simon Crouch's home page, mostly devoted to J. S. Bach. Links from here to my cantata pages and to my Bach Books page. Analysis Bibliography Educational Events Links Personal Works Bach Choir of Pittsburgh http://www.uni-bonn.de/~uzs083/akustik.html 'The Bach Choir is one of Pittsburgh's oldest and largest choral organizations. Since the group was founded in 1934, it has evolved from an organization devoted exclusively to the study and performance of the works of J.S. Bach to a large concert choir that has performed major choral works by many composers, from Renaissance to contemporary.' Events Performers Recordings Bach Festival of Philadelphia http://www.libertynet.org/~bach/ Events Performers The Bach Choir of Bethlehem http://www.bach.org/ Home page of the Bach Choir of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania Events Performers Boulder Bach Festival http://www.aescon.com/music/bbf/index.htm Events Performers Carmel Bach Festival http://www.bachfestival.com/ Events Performers Oregon Bach Festival http://bachfest.uoregon.edu/ The Oregon Bach Festival For two weeks in early summer, amid the forests, rivers, and waterfalls of Oregon's Willamette Valley, the Oregon Bach Festival celebrates the music and legacy of Johann Sebastian Bach. Events Performers San Francisco Early Music Society http://www.sfems.org 'The San Francisco Early Music Society (SFEMS) was founded twenty-two years ago, growing from an informal gathering of early music enthusiasts into the largest early music presenter and service organization in America.' Events Performers Shenandoah Valley Bach Festival http://www.emu.edu/units/music/bach/bach.htm Eastern Mennonite University - Harrisonburg, Virginia Events Performers Sonoma County Bach Choir http://www.sonoma.edu/scbs/ 'The Sonoma County Bach Society was established to promote the performance and enjoyment of Medieval, Baroque, Classical and Renaissance music. The Society sponsors outstanding performances of the best repertoire of these periods, with special attention to the music of Johann Sebastian Bach.' Events Performers Thomanerchor Leipzig http://www.uni-leipzig.de/~thomaner/thoman.htm ( in German ) Events Performers The Bach Sinfonia http://fractal.umd.edu/ernie/wbs/ 'The Bach Sinfonia is the D.C. area's newest early music performance ensemble. ... The ensemble's repertoire focuses on the literature of the baroque, pre-classical, and classical periods: from Albinoni to Vivaldi.' Events Performers Les Idées heureuses http://www.mlink.net/~ideesheu/ Les Idées heureuses organized the Bach International Hapsichord Festival held in May 1997. The Festival was a one-time event that included ten concerts, five lectures and a harpsichord competition. Due to the enormous success of the harpsichord competition, however, that portion will become a regular event to be held every two years. The next one will take place in the spring of 1999.' Events Instruments Performers Louisville Bach Society http://members.aol.com/lbachsoc/index.htm 'This site showcases the 30+-year-old choral organization known as the Louisville Bach Society.' Events Performers Recordings Organ Festival Holland http://www.dra.nl/~schnitge/ Events Instruments Performers Classical Music Online: Club Lara http://www.scapecast.com/onworld/CMO/lara/ Information about Lara St. John, a fantastic violinist who recorded two of the Bach works for solo violin. Check out a review of this amazing recording at the J.S. Bach Home Page. Audio Events Performers Recordings Lara St. John's Home Page http://www.larastjohn.com Home page of the lovely Lara St. John who recorded a remarkable CD of the 2nd Partita and 3rd Sonata for Solo Violin. A great site with audio clips. Audio Commercial Events Images Instruments Performers Personal Recordings Works Bachhaus Eisenach ( in German ) http://www.bachhaus.de/ 'We are a museum about J.S. Bach and his family. The house is the supposed birthplace of J.S. Bach. Rooms in Barock style and original instruments of the time can be seen.' Biography Events Images Grupo Vocal Bach http://www.geocities.com/Vienna/5066/ 'Venezuelan choir, founded and conducted by professor Michel Eustache, one of the best choir conductor in Latin America. We provide spanish information about J. S. Bach life's.' Events Personal Baroque Week 1998 http://www.newn.cam.ac.uk/prlw/Winchester/baroque.html 'The highly successful Baroque Chamber Music Week, founded by Walter Bergmann, is now in its 21th season and takes place in the attractive surroundings of King Alfred's College, Winchester, England.' Events Instruments Performers Northwest Bach Festival http://www.spokane.net/nwbachfest/ 'This site contains the schedule and artist profiles for the Nineteenth Annual Bach Festival to be held January 31 - February 9, 1997' Events Performers Early Music FAQ http://www.medieval.org/emfaq/ 'This is the Frequently Asked Questions page for Early Music (Western music of the Medieval, Renaissance & Baroque eras). We attempt to cover all aspects in greater or lesser depth.' Bibliography Biography Events Instruments Links Newsgroups Performers Recordings The San Francisco Bach Choir http://www.sacs.ucsf.edu/home/SFBC/ 'The San Francisco Bach Choir has been an important part of the Bay Area's cultural life for the past six decades. The oldest continuing community choir in the western United States, the SFBC played a major role in establishing choral music as a serious art form in Northern California while introducing thousands to the great works of J. S. Bach.' Events Performers The Flying Inkpot: Classical Music Reviews http://inkpot.com/classical/ 'The Flying Inkpot is a mobile, thought-propelled recepticle of rambling reviews and belaboured essays on music, theatre, film, poetry and other ink-worthy things. The Inkpot's flights into Classical Music has inspired reviews of CDs, concerts, books and other tasty fantasies. This fluttering pot of hypertext arrives from the dreamscapes of its writers once every two weeks, and frequent flyers are often offered the best (and worst) of the Inkpot's musical notes and splotches.' Bibliography Events Performers Recordings Bach Society of Christ the King http://www.neosoft.com/~ctk/homepage/bachsoc/bachsoc.htm This site features information re: Houston performances of Bach Chorales and organ works on a Bach replica organ; also links to info re: the organ itself. Events Links Personal Bach Vespers at Holy Trinity http://gramercy.ios.com/~bobe2/ Events Performers Gifu Bach Chor ( in English and Japanese ) http://handel.ge.gifu-u.ac.jp/GBC/index_e.html 'The Gifu Bach Chor (GBC) was founded, in April 1976, in pursuit of the J. S. Bach's splended works for church choirs.' Audio Events Performers Reading Bach Choir Home Page http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Stuart_McCubbin/rbchp.htm 'The Reading Bach Choir was formed in 1966 to sing the major Bach works to the highest standard, a tradition which it still maintains whilst also performing a wide repertoire of the very best choral music from medieval to modern times.' Events Performers Tafelmusik Home Page http://www.hype.com/tafel/ 'Canada's Baroque orchestra on period instruments' Events Performers Recordings The Bach Society - Christ the King Lutheran Church http://ghofn.org/~ctk/homepage/bachsoc/bachsoc.htm Events Links Performers The Dayton Bach Society http://www.udayton.edu/~bach-soc/ Events Performers American Bach Soloists Home Page http://www.americanbach.org/ '... was founded in 1989 by tenor Jeffrey Thomas, now artistic and music director, and organist Jonathan Dimmock. ABS has been hailed by the San Francisco Examiner as "period style all-stars" who are "setting a new international standard" by presenting and recording historically informed, virtuosic performances of the cantatas, motets, and concertos of J. S. Bach. ' Events Performers ORPHEON - Consort http://www.orpheon.org/consort.htm Events Performers Works Renaissance and Baroque Society of Pittsburgh http://www.lm.com/~kholt/R-and-B/ 'The R&B Society, founded in 1969, presents concerts of historically informed performance of music from the Middle Ages through the Early Classical period (about 1800), with emphasis on the Renaissance and Baroque periods.' Events Performers Musica Antiqua Köln -- Reinhard Goebel http://www.intr.net/bleissa/lists/mak1.html Events Performers Recordings Emmanuel Church of Boston http://www.ziplink.net/~ecboston/index.html 'J. S. Bach wrote an estimated 300 sacred cantatas to be an integral part of the Sunday morning church service each week. This tradition was vibrant at St. Thomas Church in Leipzig where Bach served as Kapellmeister from 1723 until his death in 1750. Since 1969, Emmanuel Church has continued this tradition. We invite you to join us each Sunday at the 10 a.m. service when the cantatas and other great music will be offered by the chorus and orchestra of as part of our worship of God.' Events Performers Yale Bach Society http://www.yale.edu/bach/ 'Welcome to the pages of the Yale Bach Society, the official chamber ensemble of Yale College . The Bach Society Orchestra and Chorus are composed of talented undergraduate and graduate musicians and will present several concerts this year featuring a wide variety of music.' Events Performers Axiane http://www.jura.ch/liens/axiane/ 'Organ seminaries with Michael Radulescu, ST-John Passion in march, Porrentruy Switzerland' Analysis Events Sydney Bachfest http://galifrey.triode.net.au/bachfest/ 'Sydney's Bachfest is a celebration of the life and music of JS Bach - his life dramatised and his music performed by students and staff of NIDA and the Conservatorium of Music' Biography Educational Events Performers |