![]() http://www.ozemail.com.au/~bachlogc/plucked.htm 'This site is devoted to the playing of the music of Johann Sebastian Bach and his contemporaries including S L Weiss played on the lute and guitar.' Educational Instruments MIDI Personal Scores Works |
![]() http://www.music.qub.ac.uk/~tomita/index.html This site features a wealth of information and resources related to Bach including a comprehensive Bach Bibliography, Source Studies of the Well-Tempered Clavier Book II and high quality MIDI files. This site also features the 'Bach' Musicological Font, a high quality font face with additional music symbols that blend seamlessly with the text. There is also information about Yo's publications including J. S. Bach's `Das Wohltemperierte Clavier II': A Critical Commentary, 3 vols. and many online essays. Analysis Bibliography Biography Commercial Educational Images Links MIDI Personal Recordings Scores Works |
Dave's J.S. Bach Page http://www.jsbach.net/ Original MIDI Files, Images, RealAudio Files, Recommended Recordings, a Bach Works Catalog, Links, and More Analysis Audio Images Links MIDI Performers Personal Recordings Scores Works J.S. Bach Archive and Bibliography http://www.let.rug.nl/Linguistics/diversen/bach/intro.html 'This Bach Archive and the J.S. Bach Bibliography are complementary to the Bach Home Page created by Jan Hanford. Jan's pages and those presented here can be seen as a joint project set up to promote world-wide web interest in and knowledge about one of the greatest achievements of western civilization of all times, namely the musical oeuvre of Johann Sebastian Bach.' MIDI A Johann Sebastian Bach Midi Page http://www.bachcentral.com/ Biography MIDI Personal Works BWV Bach MIDI http://members.xoom.com/bachmidi/bachmidi.html Probably the largest collection of Bach MIDI files on the web, this site is organized using the Bach BWV catalog. Educational MIDI Works Club JSB http://www.pennuto.com/music/jsb_ornm.htm 'Dedicated to the music of J.S. Bach and other great composers and performers' Includes: On J.S. Bach's Fantasy & Fugue, BWV 906, J.S. Bach's Ornament Table, A Tribute to Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach, Glenn Gould and the Electronic Future Analysis Audio Bibliography Biography Educational Images MIDI Personal Scores Works The Classical MIDI Archives - J.S. Bach http://www.prs.net/bach.html The Bach section of the most extensive collection of classical MIDI files ( over 700 Bach files! ). MIDI BachWorks - a personal project ( aka The Bach Project ) http://world.std.com/~jamzen/bachproj.html Information about Jim Michmerhuizen's extensive Bach MIDI Project with some samples. Commercial MIDI Personal Recordings Michael A. Sciortino's Classical Music MIDI Page http://www.odyssey.net/subscribers/scior/music.html Tons of MIDI files by Bach and other composers. MIDI The Silvis Woodshed http://www.channel1.com/users/gsilvis/ 'In the old days a singer would hide out in the woodshed to learn his notes. Now we have tools like midi to help us along. I hope for this page to be a collection of midi files and tools to help singers learn their notes so that they can be ready to turn it into music when they go to rehearsal.' MIDI John Sankey - Harpsichordist to the Internet http://www.geocities.com/Vienna/Studio/1714/ First-rate MIDI sequences of works by Bach, Domenico Scarlatti, and William Byrd. Analysis Instruments MIDI Performers Personal Works J.S. Bach Acrobatic MIDI Music Page http://home3.swipnet.se/~w-33696/bachacro.htm 'Are you tired of all the boring and stiff interpretations of the greatest music ever written? Come to me and I will comfort you.' MIDI Acoustical illusions http://www.uni-bonn.de/~uzs083/akustik.html 'Besides the well-known optical illusions there are acoustic ones, too. Perhaps the most popular acoustics illusion is the effect that was discovered by Shepard: A scale that gives the listener the impression of an endlessly rising melody - but in fact the pitch of the tones does not rise. This way it is possible to play musical pieces that would otherwise cross the human perception threshold.' Analysis Audio MIDI Works Bach Chorales Home Page http://www.jsbchorales.net/ MIDI files for all the Bach Chorales. Some Glenn Gould stuff too. Bibliography MIDI Performers Maxmillian's Jukebox http://www.iscs.nus.sg/~yakshuhe/classic.html MIDI Personal Maciek Bartosiak's J.S. Bach Page http://www.amp.pw.edu.pl/~mba/htmls/jsbach.html MIDI Files and links. Links MIDI Personal The Official Wendy Carlos Online Information Source! http://www.apocalypse.org/pub/u/wendy/ 'Wendy Carlos is one of the most important composers living today. While primarily connected to the field of electronic music, her compositions transcend the genre. It is certain that her music will be remembered as major milestones of 20th century music.' Instruments MIDI Performers Recordings FTP directory /midi/scores/bach/ at ftp.ucsd.edu ftp://ftp.ucsd.edu/midi/scores/bach/ MIDI Rainy Sunday http://www.geocities.com/Vienna/Strasse/1085 Classical MIDI files by Martin Reyto, including The Well-Tempered Clavier (Books 1 and 2) by J.S. Bach. MIDI Personal Classical Midi Organ Stop! http://www.graeber.com 'The CMOS! contains a large collection of classical & religious sequences. The 'Pipe Organ' sequences were produced on a midi Reuter pipe organ. The CMOS! also contains many very fine Bach sequences.' Instruments Links MIDI The Complete MIDI File Directory - Classical http://www.flexfx.com/classic.html Links to dozens of sites containing classical MIDI files. Links MIDI Eric Schissel's no-frills C.P.E. Bach MIDI Page http://www.geocities.com/Vienna/1489/midistuff.html MIDI Personal The Music of Jeff Harrington http://www.parnasse.com/jeff.htm 'My music reflects my interest in music as an expression of drama and of dance. Tonal and intensely contrapuntal, it is inspired by New Orleans and classical music traditions.' Audio Instruments MIDI Performers Scores The Belgian Flute Pages http://www.ping.be/flute/ All sorts of great resources for the flute. Instruments MIDI David Siu's Classical Music Page http://www.geocities.com/Vienna/3275 MIDI Personal Classical Guitar and Lute http://www.guitarandlute.com/ 'Your source of links to Great Music and Information for Guitar and Lute' Educational Instruments Links MIDI Scores Works Safe Haven - J. S. Bach http://www.ultranet.com/~rsarkiss/BACH.HTM Biography MIDI Personal a little baroque home page http://www.siol.it/ospiti/simone/ 'a little page devoted to baroque music; it's my personal page, where I describe my musical experiences (groups I play with, recordings,...) but some MIDI files as well, including J.S.Bach BWV 106 "Actus tragicus"' MIDI Personal Recordings MUSIC OF INTELLECT the Goldberg Variations http://www.people.or.jp/~imyfujita/ Analysis Biography Educational Links MIDI Recordings Scores Works D/F Electronics Midi Collection http://www.dfel.com/midistuff/midi.htm 'Various works by J.S. Bach and his contemporaries. Keyboard pieces and transcriptions.' MIDI Enrique's Classical Music MIDI Page http://members.aol.com/es1956/index.html Many links to Classical and MIDI related web sites including; Composer, MIDI, Instrument, Performers, History, Educational, Unusual, Personal, Opera, and more. Links MIDI Personal Bach to the Drawing Board http://www.geocities.com/~bandgrrrl/ Complete resource for Bach. Contains some pictures, MIDI's, biography, and other features. Biography Educational MIDI Personal Works |